Here’s an update for you.

  • It was lovely chatting to you last week and I hope it gave you an insight into how your child has settled into school life. If you were unable to attend I am available this week after school on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Your child now has a digital portfolio (Seesaw) to document their learning. Please connect to their journal so you can begin to view, share with your child and comment  on their work samples.
  • Harmony Day is Tuesday 21st March. Students are invited to celebrate this year’s theme that ‘Everyone Belongs’ by coming to school replacing part of the school uniform with something sun-safe in the Harmony Day colour of orange. It could be a shirt or shorts or even just a hair tie. This is not a casual day, it is an opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity. We don’t expect families to buy new clothing to wear. If you wear an orange top, the shorts need to be the regular school uniform. If you don’t have any orange then just wear the regular school uniform.
  • Literacy groups with room 02 have started. In groups of 4  the students  worked together to name their group; co operatively negotiating an animal name and  together creating a poster . Our first activity was practicing letters sounds and writing words to match pictures.
  • We are enjoying our time in the computer room, learning to log on and off and exploring  Kidpix, a great programme that supports our learning in Maths.
  • Are you interested in being Room 01’s Parent Representative? A letter was sent home on Friday with all the information.
  • Our second Independence Day was better than the first! So successful in fact that we will be having  them fortnightly. The students are so proud of their efforts.
  • On Friday we again host the Junior Primary assembly, starting 11.15 am in the school hall.


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March 2017

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